five hundred

{La Petite and Mr. Chat courtesy of Child Bride}

++ 500. This is my five-hundredth post. I wish I had something more exciting to post than my usual random, round-up ramblings but I don’t. This is all I got. Je suis désolé.

++ 4:49AM was the time on the clock this morning when I woke up and couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, fall back asleep. Fifty, sensing I was awake, popped over to see me, tail wagging with his bonjour sniffs and kisses. And then that woke up The Husband, and since he couldn’t fall back asleep either,  we all got up, before 5 on a Sunday morning. That’s plain dumb. I predict a nap in the near future.

++ The morning my mother was leaving, she was due to wake up at 5:15 for her 7:30 TGV to Paris. Fifty woke her up at 3, and without looking to see what time it was, she decided that it must be time to wake up, since Fifty woke her (he usually wakes up and makes the rounds at 5AM). At 3:45 when she got out of the shower and was all dressed, I got up and explained to her that while her granddog is very smart, he doesn’t actually know how to tell time.

++ While January is pretty much always the dullest of the dull (apologies to you Capricorns but you know it’s true) at least in France we have L E S  S O L D E S to see us through this horribly, depressing time. That and brand new red pants. BOO-YA.


++ Guess what’s right around the corner? (Check your calenders kids… you should see February 4th marked as Sara Louise’s birthday… and if it’s not marked, ask yourself why it’s not and rectify that mistake immediately.) My BiRThDaY. I’m thinking Avignon (because I love it) and Châteauneuf-du-Pape (because I love wine) and friends (because I love them). My 29th is going to be fantabulous! (I can hear you snickering. Quit it.)

++ Mrs. London has had a cracking idea… besides the annual Brazil Day that Brother-in-Law and Honey Jr’s comité des fêtes throws, we think they should put on an old school Sports Day. Think wheelbarrow (I’d win that), potato sack (I’d win that too) and three-legged races (might win that, depends on who I was attached to), tug-o-war (Shotgun Mr. London and The Husband), egg and spoon (yeah, I’d probably win that one too), and all those other random events they used to make us do when we were kids (bring it!). I’d own that day. (Competitive??? Who? Me?)

++ We’re having a fondue party for Sunday lunch at Papa’s today. It’s not actually a party per se (unless Papa’s Wife is celebrating that the end of hunting season is imminent) but Papa will be there, and La Petite, and The Husband and me, and there will be gooey, melted cheese and that’s enough reason to celebrate I guess.

++ Silver Linings Playbook. Let’s discuss. Have you see it? Loved it. LOVED IT. Love Bradley (Remember that time he spoke French? Still swooning. And judging by the look on the face of the interviewer, I’m pretty sure she’s still swooning too). Love J-Law. Love this movie (I found it endearing). If you’ve seen it, what did you think? And if you haven’t, O.M.De Niro! What are you waiting for?

Aaaand that’s 500! 

(Not very exciting, was it)
Please stay tuned for 501.

31 responses to “five hundred”

  1. Dear Sara Louise, 500 posts?! That's something! Congratulations! Here's to another 500 more 🙂 I love Fifty anecdotes, he has such a huge personality!


  2. Congrats on 500! You're moving quickly toward 1000. By the way, if you woke up at 4:49 and were up before 5, I don't think you tried very hard to go back to sleep. Red pants, 🙂


  3. I was awake before 5, but I didn't get 'up' until about 5:30. Thirty minutes of trying to sleep were enough for me 🙂


  4. Hunting season is over? Yippee! Me and Duffy are safe once again. Love the red pants. My youngest daughter came home from an afternoon shopping in Avignon Nord yesterday with a pair of very cool electric blue pants. You guys have me wanting some colored jeans now.


  5. Haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa you're nearly 30!!! Only teasing, I'm 31 in ten days and have no room to mock. Happy 500th birthday! x


  6. I watched it last night and I liked it. Favorite parts: the dinner party, where J-Law runs him down while he's jogging and the dance- so funny. However, HER HAIR! It was driving me crazy. Her hair was bad. I hated those bangs.


  7. Happy 500! Obviously yesterday was the morning for getting up at stupid o'clock! This morning wasn't much better, bloody workmen!Alas, I haven't got the 4th marked as your birthday, there's no room on my calendar because it's MY birthday lolI think you need to do that sports day. Somewhere around the last 2 full weeks in June would be perfect ;o)Enjoy your fondue!


  8. Loved Silver Linings. It should get the Oscar, but Les Mis will because it's just so big and grande, but Silver Linings is a better movie. Happy 500th!! off to mark the calendar – vite!


  9. I want to see Silver Linings Playbook so badly! I've heard so many amazing things. I can't believe I didn't have Feb 4th marked on my calendar! Changing that now 🙂


  10. Congratulations on your 500th post. Here's to many more! You have a way of telling stories that makes anything you share entertaining. Keep it up.


  11. Congrats on your 500th post!


  12. Happy 500th! And so glad you're giving Silver Lining Playbook or whatever the weird new French title (in English) is a thumbs up. I've heard good things and just saw Bradley Cooper on French TV. He seems like a cool guy and is so confident when he speaks French. Big fan of his work, so will definitely see the movie in English if I can find that somewhere out here in the country. Oh and clear something up for me if you have a minute. I hadn't checked your blog in a while, and when I read some posts, I saw all this child bride talk? Couldn't find the post where the term first came from! xx


  13. this was superinteresting! especially the part where I paused to watch BC speak French and I swooned. happy 500!


  14. Congrats on 500!!! Wow. And looking forward to your next 500… xo


  15. Whoohoo! Happy five-oh-oh! That is, quite simply, the best reason for a fondue party that I have ever heard. And, despite your Lady Doth Protest Too Much, I loved this post because it is just so you, so your lovely blog. Just a dose of happiness, that's all! Bisous,H


  16. Silver Linings Playbook is on my watch list … It looks perfect! Its good to know you approve :)I almost bought a pair of red velvety pants last week, but they were on the sale rack and I couldn't squeeze myself into a size 2. Sad day.


  17. 500?! CONGRATS! That's another reason to “party at Papa's” today! That is a lot of writing. I LOVE the way you write. Keep it up!


  18. Aww, love the cat! 🙂 And I think I need to have red pants too! Looks fabulous!Congratulations on your 500th post! Can't wait for 500000 more!


  19. January is the dullest of the dull. It is!Congratulations on your 500th!


  20. Happy 500th girl! – If your life was anymore exciting, I would have to hate you! – You live in France for goodness sake!


  21. I've really enjoyed the first 500. Looking forward to the second 500.


  22. LOVE Silver Linings. Fuggetaboutit.


  23. Hmmm…. I'm not too sure when the first Child Bride post was either but here's a link to her greatest hits:


  24. Oh, I do want to see that movie, I didn't realize it was already out, (it's that rock I live under). Funny, how if you even stir in bed, the dogs automatically think it's time to get up and play – they really are all big toddlers. Yes, January is totally ho hum. It's cold, boring and everyone is fighting the winter blues. At least we have your bday to look forward too!! xo


  25. Whoa whoa whoa that was WAY too early for a Sunday wake up. And I agree. So. Over. January.


  26. I haven't seen Silver Lining's Playbook, but I'm in a once-in-a-blue-moon mood today to see a movie. And seeing as it's a holiday here today (thank you MLK!), I just may go do that. I'll report back!


  27. Next time you decide to wake up at 5am…can I borrow your extra hours of sleep?! Also, I think for your birthday you should bring 50 and the Londons and travel to Atlanta…I can't cook but I'm sure I could melt a block of cheese and find some crackers to dip in it…fondu birthday party…anyone? is this thing on?


  28. Fondue party = great idea!!! What's not to love about a huge vat of melted cheese on your birthday, I know I'd be happy!!Lx


  29. Glad you liked Silver Linings Playbook – my girlfriend and I were looking for a movie to go to on Sunday, but this was the only one we wanted to see…but DH wants to see it too, so we didn't go. Actually…there were two others that were possibilities (The Impossible and Rag & Bone), but they were a bit too heavy for my mood…so we didn't go. Will see Silver Linings Playbook this coming weekend with DH (no football until the following weekend).


  30. happy 500!!!! if i lived in your town id buy you a glass of champ and a piece of cake! ha 🙂 anyway, i cant wait to see that movie! ive heard it is amaze! waking up before 5 or 6 for that matter on a sunday is absolute torture – hope you got a serious nap in! xx.


  31. Happy 500th! Hilarious post, especially your shout-out to Capricorns. 🙂 (Don't worry – I am a summer baby – OF COURSE!) LOL Have NOT seen Silver Linings Playbook yet!! So you think it's worth the watch? I've been umm'ing over it for a while now!Anyhow, stay warm & cosy for these last few days of January. x Milsters(


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